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3 Key Steps of the Bank Trading Strategy to Earn More Money

by Didimax Team

It would help if you had this, the critical steps for a bank trading strategy that can lead you to earn more and more money. Because forex is the largest financial market in the world, this also has the potential to provide big banks for your account.
Forex is by far the largest financial market in the world, with a daily volume of $6.6 trillion, so every party, from big banks to individual investors, participates in the forex market. Fluctuations are unavoidable so that the book will be fully controlled.
Bank trading is one of the new things in Best Forex Broker. This participates in a large portion of daily forex volume, so there is also the power to determine which direction the market moves. So they are profitable in 9 out of 10 trades.
Meanwhile, when compared to retail traders, it is stated that the ratio of profits and losses to losses is 9 out of 10 trades. So, through this point, you already know which one you should choose, and chances are you are a bank forex trader.

Where Can You Trade Forex and Use this Bank Trading Strategy?

As a player in the forex market, you should know where you can execute this trade. You should not be careless in determining the fields to trade. So, here are platforms that can support you in trading forex with a trading strategy bank:
1. Central Banks
2. Commercial and Investment Banks
3. Investment Managers and Hedge Funds
4. Multinational Corporations
5. Retail Traders

3 Key Steps of the Bank Trading Strategy

Now you know that the Bank Trading Strategy is a method that can help you identify the price levels for the bank to open and close its position. This is adjusted based on supply and demand areas. And the bank has full power to control majority shares.
Apart from that, this strategy is also related to how daily forex volumes move. With this piece of information, you should already know what the key steps to take are. If not, here are some details that you need to understand and execute, namely:
1. Accumulation
You need to start with accumulation, which is the first step in identifying the bank trading strategy. The banks usually enter the market by accumulating either a long position that they will sell at a higher price or buy back later at a lower price.
Banks must enter positions over time due to their massive trading volumes. This is also what then conceals their activity as a single large order that spikes the market. And accumulation in the market is characterized by a ranging market where the price moves sideways.
2. Manipulation
Manipulation is the next step that is carried out after accumulation. This step is marked with a false push which starts a short-term market trend. Retail traders usually fall victim to the market manipulation of this bank trading strategy.
In other words, in a forex trading game, you are used by the bank. Banks are trying to enter or accumulate a long position, and at the same time, they also form selling pressure. So, banks manipulate retail traders to enter short positions.
3. Distribution or Market Trends
The last step that usually becomes a bank trading strategy is distribution or market trend. Banks will try to push the price toward a particular direction, which becomes the phase where a market trend begins.
You should use the most appropriate platform or broker to understand how bank trading works. We advise you to use the services of Didimax Forex Broker. Regarding security, this has become the most advanced, but it needs strategy too!
By looking at the increasing number of trading variations, traders have to find ways to succeed here. They must know how to trade like a bank with a 90% winning potential. However, the Bank Trading Strategy must also be carefully prepared.



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