The reason why beginner trader makes mistakes is that they believe in myths that are not necessarily true. Many traders are trying to find a forex trading system or strategy that has high accuracy or win rate. Even they buy custom indicators which reaches millions of rupiah.
There is nothing wrong with that. It's just that, this is not right to do because accuracy is not everything. That is not the key to becoming a successful trader. In fact, what is far more important is how you anticipate the risks involved.
Another myth that many beginners believe is, a strategy and analysis that uses multiple indicators will be more accurate and can guarantee big profits. This is what sometimes actually makes forex trading seem complicated even though it's simple.
In transactions, beginner trader often opens many positions without consider their capital. Of course, because they want to immediately get large and multiple profits. For example, one transaction profit of $100, then entry 10 positions with the same profit can generate $1000 in a short time.
Beginners Should Pay Attention to These Stuff Before Making Decisions
The best forex broker say that forex trading is constrained by time and how to get opportunities. This statement is mostly found in several certain people or parties who have their interests. The aim is none other than to sell products related to the target's forex trading activities.
Timing is indeed important in forex trading considering that every opportunity that exists in forex trading does not always appear at the same time as before. So that currently, products that are sold at a certain price are starting to appear as a solution to existing time constraints.
For example, an auto robot system that can make trading transactions automatically without worrying about missing out on profit opportunities and moments. Even so, nothing wrong if you want to use a robot trading. But you have to understand how to use it and prepared for the risks.
The forex market moves randomly and is unpredictable in which direction. While the fluctuating movements in the forex market and other financial markets seem to most people at first glance like something that moves randomly and you can't see what the pattern looks like.
Movements that occur in the exchange rate of a currency pair often show a certain pattern which then becomes a price trend. This price trend is one of the factors that Didimax forex broker always uses as a reference in conducting technical analysis.
The way it works is to find out the direction of the next price movement. The goal is of course to determine where he should open and close positions to benefit from the transactions he will do. Professional traders believe that price trends are their friend.
Then, what is equally important is that the exchange rate of a currency pair traded on the forex market reflects the economic strength of the money owned by each country. This difference then creates a price trend.
Beginner Trader are usually Always Monitor Prices
It is almost certain that not all traders can see and monitor the market all the time every day. This myth about forex trading may arise since the forex market lasts 24 hours. Professional traders always close their trading positions at the end of the day.
Professional traders only enter the market based on the trading plan he has drawn up beforehand. Unlike the case with most beginner trader who often spend their time in front of the monitor screen from morning to night and maybe even until the market closes their trades.
A trader doesn't need to constantly watch the market every day. You can also carry out procedures to automate market analysis based on your trading plan to identify profit opportunities that you can easily get.
Therefore, not a few traders prefer to fully automate forex trading without the need for human intervention by using trading robots. When you decide to enter the world of forex trading, make sure you have sufficient capital and understand the risks.
Every trader must remember that you cannot always be profitable in the forex market. Even though you have used and followed the right and good trading methods using strategy and analysis. According to Didimax, what beginner trader needs to do is reduce risk as much as possible.