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Best Market Checklist If You Want to Understand the System

by Didimax Team

Just a suggestion for all of you that you need to have the best market checklist first so that when trading later the system can run smoothly. This checklist is a vital part if you want the trading process to always run smoothly.
The checklist is a collection of data and your needs during certain activities. This process may take a long time, but believe me, if you execute the trade afterward, you will feel for yourself how good the selected market is.
In addition, it is also important to focus on a trading plan in the big picture. You must follow both and made the structured conditions. So that you no longer have trouble finding out whether this market is adequate, or choosing one by one to find best forex broker.
It is a combination of the words Check which means to check and list, which can be interpreted as a list. So, this is a checklist. Put a checkmark on each list that is fulfilled and after all of them are fulfilled then it is the right trade condition.

Best Market Checklist You Need to Make Sure of

Before going too far into discussing each need, we will explain again that this checklist can make you more confident. On the other hand, if you forget to include one of the points in the best market checklist, this can lead to irregular trading. So these are the way:
1. Is the selected Market Trending or Ranging?
The trending market is a moment where the increase is very significant due to certain events. Meanwhile, ranging markets are those that move according to areas of support and resistance. The two are different, and this needs to be investigated.
2. Are There Support or Resistance Levels shortly?
When analyzing the market, one of the most important things is to find out where the key is. The key to the best market checklist is support and resistance. See if they are close to each other or not, if any, this is a vulnerable market.
3. Guaranteed Indicators
Indicators are always a trader's help to determine the next strategy and trading plan. If the indicators are clear, then it will be easier for you to analyze. Meanwhile, if the indicator is not visible, there is a possibility that the market will fall.
4. Risk to Reward Ratio
Don't forget about the risk and reward comparison. How much risk does it take to get a certain reward? If you want a definite profit, then choose the one with a large reward percentage, but this big risk is also profitable.
5. How Much Capital Do You Want
There is one part in the best market checklist that you need to be aware of, which is how much capital you want in each of your accounts. This tip is to look for capital that is more than 5% of the total balance that the trader has in his account.
6. Are There Economic Policies Affecting Trade?
Talking about online trading, then this is never separated from the policy. If there is a policy that is considered not only strategic, the value of the market immediately drops significantly. Always updated with this news, is a policy, not a disaster.
7. Are You Following the Trading Plan?
The best market checklist that we want to emphasize again is to always follow the plan. Don't try to use the mixed way because the chances of success are much smaller. Confirm that the trading plan that is followed can also bring profits.
If you already know these important things, there is something else that is no less important, namely the platform. If you want a profitable trading market, then choose Didimax Forex Broker. This platform provides a variety of markets to choose from with free access.
If previously you needed to check one by one about your trading plan, now is the time for you to move on to a more efficient way. That is by using the best market checklist, it is guaranteed that the process carried out is more profitable.



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