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Choosing A Right Forex Mentor

by Didimax Team

In the process of learning anything, you are bound to find a period of times where you feel like you are stuck. This slows down your process of learning, and that just takes you away from increasing your trading potential. The need of having a mentor can often be overlooked by a new learner, when in fact it is one of the most important things you should invest in while learning forex.

Is a mentor necessary?

You might be thinking that all the money you have should be invested in the actual forex world. What you have to realize is an effective trading method and a good strategy can lead you into a bigger potential outcome. The presence of a mentor will not only let you have a friend to share about your experience, but a mentor will also help you to expand it.

Trading in forex, just like other activities that require analysis, have a lot of things to be seen and observed. Having a mentor should help to analyse how you are playing the game in the forex world. The mentor can then tell you what you can do better and therefore improve your techniques. This will of course result in a better trading performance, which generates more profit.

What does it take to be a forex mentor?

If you are trading with lack of experience on hand, you are going to have a hard time and lose money quite fast. A forex mentor will make you spend your money wiser to allocate those money into a strategy that is going to uplift your profit. The mentor should have a lot of experience in trading forex, because he needs to share what he has tried and both succeed or failed to you. This might sound like a very logical thing: seek for a mentor that is proven to excel in forex trading. Some successful forex traders might not want to be a mentor, and some failed traders might turn their strategy to teach people instead of actually generating profit from their trading account. From this, you can see that seeking for a reliable mentor is not an easy thing to do.

See if they offer a realistic outcome by hiring them as mentors. From this you can see if they are only trying to make a sale out of their classes, or actually want to teach you tons of knowledge about learning forex. You shouldn’t come to a mentor empty handed with no knowledge in mind, always check whether they are reliable as one of your sources of knowledge. A forex mentor should also evaluate your work and give you feedbacks along the way. After all, they are here because they need to tell you what to do while learning forex, so don’t be afraid to ask them to do this. Some mentors will rush you to finish the materials of the classes, and a good forex mentor should be far away from this behaviour.


One of the easiest ways to find a trusted mentor is to go to brokers and ask if they offer mentoring sessions. Didimax, one of the leading brokers in Indonesia, has launched online and offline classes that you can follow to expand your knowledge about forex. They also have mentors that have been chosen carefully and will help you about this matter as well.

If you are still saving money for your investment, sites like Didimax offer free education land page on their websites that offer you a lot of new knowledge that is for sure going to help you excel in the forex world. Learning forex is admittedly can be done by yourself, but the help of a mentor will surely help you boost your journey in the forex world.



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