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Facts and Myths of Forex Market in Indonesia

by didimax team

For some people who don't understand, the forex market is often seen as a business market that can provide large profits in a relatively short time. Not a few people think that forex trading is about luck and chance, sometimes profit and sometimes loss. Much like gambling.

Not all of these assumptions are true and just a myth that many people believe in. So, you need to understand and distinguish between myths and facts about forex trading which is one of the types of transactions on the largest financial market in the world.


Forex Trading is Difficult and is A Gambling Practice

Forex trading is difficult. This statement is most commonly found and widely believed by beginner traders. The reason is that to be able to make money from forex market is not as easy as turning the palms of your hands.

Moreover, if the purpose of forex trading is to be able to generate profits consistently, it is certainly not easy to do. Although some people are talented and tend to be able to master this forex business in a relatively short time.

But don't forget that, there are many people out there who have to dedicate extra time, effort and effort and even costs to be able to successfully generate consistent profits from their forex trading. Forex trading is difficult can be a myth or a fact.

Regardless of someone's talent or not, forex trading can still be learned and mastered by anyone and whatever their background is. So, with assistance and education from the best forex broker such as Didimax. Then you can master this forex business so easily.

The assumption that forex trading is the same as gambling is a myth that have developed in society, especially in Indonesia. In a speculative aspect, gambling and forex trading can indeed be the same because the capital used can run out in the blink of an eye.

However, forex trading has another aspect that distinguishes it from gambling activities which only rely on guesswork and chance, namely, strategy and analysis of real price movements that occur in the forex market around the world.

With the strategic and analytical aspects of forex trading, it is possible for everyone, including you who will enter the world of forex trading. You will be able to generate maximum profit from each transaction.

The aspect of capital and risk management is one of the main factors determining a person's success in getting the maximum benefit from his forex trading activities. So, the risk of being eroded or running out of capital can be minimized as small as possible according to your wishes.

Forex Trading Only for Economists and Requires Large Capital

The claim that forex trading is only for the economists is a myth! Several professional forex traders do not even have a degree and education related to economy or forex trading that they are currently doing.

Therefore, forex trading is a field that can be mastered by anyone and with any background without the need to have a degree in economics and finance. Even to cultivate the forex market, you can start with any amount of capital.

Until now, the forex business myth regarding the amount of forex trading capital needed has continued to develop in the community since its inception. Before online forex trading existed, retail traders had almost no access to the market to develop their existing capital and wealth.

In the past, traders needed more than $1,000,000 to enter the market. So that at that time forex trading was only for the rich. Unlike today, there are currently many intermediaries such as Didimax forex broker that can connect you directly to the market.

Even today, you don't need to be rich and has a large amount of capital to be able to trade forex. Precisely with a relatively small capital, you can become a rich person from forex trading as long as you are disciplined and consistent with each process.

To choose a broker, it is highly recommended to choose a forex broker that does have clear legality like Didimax. At least, by having clear legality, some laws must be obeyed in which the forex broker will always be under the strict supervision of the Indonesian forex market. 



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