The forex market is consists of foreign exchange market players. It is larger even the stock market. According to the Triennial Central Bank Survey of Forex and OTC derivatives market in 2016, the forex market has a daily volume of $5.1 trillion.
This market is a place to sell or buy a currency pair. To hedge against interest rate risk international currency, diversity portfolios, speculate on geopolitical events, among several other reasons, market participants use forex since it has many advantages.
New traders in best forex broker may surprize since the forex market has a lot of unique attributes. In this market, major players tend to be commercial banks, money managers, central banks, and other financial institutions. Of all forex volumes, retail traders (individuals) are a very small relative portion.
Financial Companies and Institutions
1. Investment and commercial banks
The interbank market trade the greatest volume of currency. Bank of all sizes trade currency with each other in this investment bank and commercial bank, and through electronic networks. The total currency volume trades are accounted for a large percentage in the big banks.
Banks conduct speculative trades from their own trading desks and facilitate forex transactions for clients. The bank’s profit is represented by the bid-ask when banks act as dealers for clients. On currency fluctuations, speculative currency trades are executed to profit.
2. central banks
central banks as foreign exchange market players are extremely important players. The currency rates are influenced to a very large extent by interest rates policy and open market operations of central banks. The price of the central bank’s native currency is fixing on forex.
this is one of the central bank’s responsibilities. The central banks take any action in the forex market is to increase or stabilize the competitiveness os that nation’s economy. To make their currency depreciate or appreciate, central banks may engage in currency interventions.
For example, during periods of long deflationary, by creating additional supply, central banks as foreign exchange market players may weaken their own currency. The domestic currency is effectively weakened by this. As a result, in the global market, exports will be more competitive.
Individuals and Another Part of Financial Companies and Institutions
1. Hedge funds and investment managers
Pension funds, endowments, and foundations are traded by investment managers for large accounts. An investment manager will have to sell and purchase currencies to trade foreign securities if they have an international portfolio. Speculative forex trades might also be made by them.
2. Multinational corporations
To pay for services and goods by exporting and importing conduct forex transactions, firms are engaged. For example, we can consider the producer of a German Solar Panel that import American components and its finished products sell in China.
The Chinese producer , after the final sale is made, must be converted back to Euros. Then euros must be exchanged for dollars by the German firm to purchase more American components and their necessary.
3. Individuals
Retail investors as foreign exchange market players make volume in the forex trading is extremely low if compared to financial companies and institutions. However, in popularity, it is growing rapidly. Retail investors base currency trades on a combination of technical factors and fundamental factors.
Knowing How Forex Trading Shapes Bussiness
The different types of forex traders result in a highly liquid collaboration. For each country, exchange rate movements are a factor in global are a factor in global corporate earnings, inflation, and the balance of payments account.
For instance, the popular currency carries trade strategy is how exchange rates are influenced by market participants. In turn, the global economy is affected. The carry trade executed by markets players is designed to capture differences in yield across currencies.
Although in reality trading forex is not as easy as you imagine, but, with the help of the best partner such as didimax forex broker, your trade will be pleasing and profitable. Start your first trade and become one of the foreign exchange market players.