During this pandemic era, you need to follow trading from home tips to get profits. No need to be sad because you have to WFH, this is precisely what you can make an opportunity to earn extra income by becoming a forex trader.
However, trading from home also has many challenges, such as interesting events on streaming platforms, the temptation to nap for hours, and other household activities such as cooking and taking care of the family.
First trading from home tips, determine your forex working hours. If you are a part-time trader who has the main job at a company or has another business, then set aside time to trade outside of your main working hours.
For example, if your office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., you can schedule 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. for trading. Also, prepare a workspace that is comfortable for you to work on. If possible, use a separate room.
Or if this is not possible, use one of the quietest corners of your house to avoid various distractions and distractions.
Also, make sure your wi-fi is fast and stable because online forex trading is very dependent on an internet connection. If you are trading using a computer or laptop, make sure your device is fast and responsive enough to prevent losses due to delays during execution.
Basic Trading from Home Tips Make Sure You Have Sufficient Capital
Many say forex trading requires enormous capital - hundreds of millions or even billions. But make no mistake. There are already the best forex broker that provide a leverage system, so you can trade with relatively small capital.
But remember that leverage also opens up a higher risk of loss, so use it with caution. If you don't have enough capital to open a Live Account, don't use your emergency funds or even go into debt.
Better to save first while focusing on learning and hone your trading skills with a Demo Account. With a Demo Account, you can simulate trading on the real market using virtual funds.
Please open a Didimax Demo Account here for free and without any deposits. You can also access dozens of free educational videos at the Didimax Forex broker, so that your trading skills will increase rapidly when trading capital has been accumulated.
Create a Trading Plan to Support Your Activities
Talking about forex education, one of the most important things that you must learn is compiling a trading plan. This is very important for managing the risk of loss.
First, check how much capital you have today, how many lots you will open with that capital, what currency pairs you will choose, how much risk of loss you can tolerate, and how much your profit target is.
You also need to test which trading strategy is suitable for you, whether short-term trading such as scalping, or medium-term trading such as day trading.
The next trading from home tips is to evaluate your trading results every week by looking at the Trading Journal that you created so that your strategy remains in line with trading objectives.
Take Care of Your Physical And Mental Health
Lack of activity due to staying at home too much can have a negative effect on health. To avoid stress and fall sick, take time to exercise at least three times a week. Make sure you get enough sleep.
Don't force yourself to trade until dawn because there will definitely be more profit opportunities tomorrow. In addition, staying up late for the sake of trading will make you easily tired and emotional.
Though trading must be done with stable emotions, so that you can analyze market conditions objectively and make wise trading decisions.
So, the most important forex trading from home tips is to maintain your physical and mental health so that your trading performance is also maintained.