If you want to feel comfortable, make sure your forex trading safety with a regulated broker. Currently, many brokers offer their services with various advantages. As traders who want to profit, of course, we must be careful in choosing a broker.
Maybe you hear forex promotions that promise extraordinary profits, up to 30% or even more than 50% in a short time. Registration is very easy with great benefits. You have to look more details. You find that this promotion is only made by unregulated brokers.
Amazing promotions are allowed but unregulated brokers are not legally bound to fulfill them. There are no legal consequences for them even if they took your money away. Regulated forex brokers cannot offer such a lucrative lure.
Through Regulated Brokers, Forex Trading Safety is Legally Protected
Bonuses offered by regulated forex brokers are rarely cash, but more often non-material, such as free training or education, free VPS rental, and free trading signals. Regulated forex brokers are not even allowed to promise double profits.
There is always a risk behind every investment and trading activity. However, you should still choose a regulated forex broker. Please note, regulated forex brokers have business legality. The security of your funds will be more guaranteed.
You will also get protection if an unscrupulous broker commits a disgraceful act. Like when saving money in the bank. You will definitely come to find out the reputation of the bank. Come to the bank office and then open a savings account there.
A credible bank must have a good reputation and a clear office address. The same applies when you will register with a forex broker. Although you will register online and not come directly to the office. Best forex broker is said to be regulated if it already has an official license.
So that the business must be legal and the address is clear. The regulator will also constantly monitor the activities of the broker. If the forex broker has a bad reputation, the regulator will investigate, then impose sanctions or fines. Forex trading safety will be guaranteed.
The most severe punishment can be revoked the broker's license and bringing him to court. Regulated brokers, like Didimax Forex Broker, must provide traders with a clear dispute resolution flow. Such legal guarantees will not be enjoyed by traders at unregulated brokers.
It is very dangerous to entrust money to an unregulated broker. When there is a problem, the police will not be able to help you, because the fraudsters under the guise of brokers have already fled and there is no trace of them to be traced.
Traders Fund Security is Guaranteed and Protected by Law
When depositing funds in a bank or investing through a broker, one thing you need to do is ensure that your funds are not misused by the bank or broker. The trick is to make sure you only sign up with officially regulated forex brokers.
Forex regulators in any part of the world require brokers to keep traders’ funds in a separate account from the brokerage company's account. This is known as the “Segregated Account” and forex trading safety will be trusted.
Trader's funds deposited into a Segregated Account will be kept under the supervision of a custodial bank so that forex brokers cannot take traders' funds away at will. Fund security guarantees like this cannot be provided by unregulated forex brokers.
Even if the broker claims that all trader funds are stored in the Segregated Account, no one can guarantee the truth, because it is just a one-sided statement without any evidence or clarification from the other party at all.
Under the supervision of regulators, forex brokers cannot do things that are not justified by law. That way, your funds are certainly in the hands of the responsible person. Trading activity is a high-risk activity so forex trading safety must be guaranteed.