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Guides to Make the Right Trading Checklist in Forex

by Didimax Team

Have you made the right trading checklist so far? This action is so important to make your activity in that industry is more regularly. That is why: start it from now to make your journey better. 

However, making that checklist is actually not that easy. You have to be able to choose the important steps. In fact, everything can be adjusted by your needs and comfort at the same time. 

There are some lists which are quite common. It means that you can start to write it and check them. Below is the detail of those lists, so check this out. 


Make Sure That the Setup Trading Is Good

The right trading checklist is related to your setup trading. That becomes the first step where you must ensure that it is in accordance with the requirements. What are those requirements? 

The meaning is that everything must be in line with the market condition, pattern, or the wanted price structure. The example is when you want to apply the trend-following strategy.

It is usually used the forwarding pattern. Please make sure that the market is moving in a conformed trend. That must form the pattern chat as well as a sign of of the forwarding trend. 

At the beginning it is maybe quite hard to understand. However, as time goes by you will have enough undertsanding about it. Making this first checklist is going to be easier than before. 

Second Right Trading Checklist: Confirm All The Filters

Remember that you need to analyze every technical or even the fundamental techniques needed. In a trend – following strategy, you can use the buy chance when the uptrend condition occurred. 

Mean while, the downtrend decision can be taken when selling. Besides that you may add the news filters which have the high impact. Those are the central bank announcements, NFP data release etc. 

If a strategy used is technical and doesn’t rely on the news moment as a trigger, it is better to stay away from the entry around certain events. Another checklist to have is finding the entry position. 

The example is if you are trading with a trend-folliwing started based on the triangle pattern. You can decide the entry position when the price is confirmed of breakout from that pattern. 

Find The Entry Position Alternative

The entry choice is maybe not able to be executed as always. That is why; it needs a backup plan in the form of alternative entry. This form can be used when the initial entry point chosen doesn’t appear. 

As long as the alternative entry is not changing the risk ratio or initial reward, it can be an effective way to increase the executed order chance. That is another right trading checklist to do. 

After that, don’t forget to find the stop position as well. The stop point will tell you when and where a harm trading position must be forcibly closed. It can prevent the further and bigger lostm

Stop lost can be maximized feature. It is because this kind of order is able to close a position automatically. Usually, everything is based on the level chosen by a forex trader in the market. 

Join The Best Forex Broker

The next checklist is about the forex broker. It is a party which provides a service for doing the forex trading comfortably and securely. However, always choose and join the professional one. 

The best option is the Didimax forex broker. It has so many years experience to provide a transparent, completely, and excellent features. The services are suitable for the beginners or professionals. 

Your profit can be transferred easily by using their quick withdrawal feature. Didimax is also supported by the experts and professionals. It must be in your right trading checklist started from now. 



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