To trade, you must know how to avoid big loss in forex so you don't run out of your capital in a short time. One of the investments that have the opportunity to earn large amounts of profit is forex trading.
But of course, it's not that simple because this investment also contains big risks. As in the business world known as the principle of high risk and high return. If you are new to forex trading, you need to understand very well that forex trading contains a number of risks that can result in losses.
For this reason, novice traders are required to study this investment system carefully, including good trading techniques as well as how to avoid losses in forex.
Tips to Avoid Big Loss in Forex
In order to avoid various losses in forex trading, there are several tips that can be done. Some of these tips include the following:
1. Use Stop Loss
In forex trading or any business, the possibility of loss is a risk that needs to be faced, no matter how rich or how skilled a person is.
Even world-class investors and traders such as Warren Buffett and George Soros openly admit that they have experienced losses. It's just that they managed to keep the losses they suffered from making them bankrupt.
Well, one way to avoid big loss in forex to go bankrupt is to use the Stop Loss feature that is available on the trading platform or do Cut Loss manually.
Indeed, by doing so, we are tantamount to being forced to admit that we were wrong and must bear the loss. However, this prevents more severe losses. Without Stop Loss or Cut Loss, losses can grow to infinity and swallow up all of our capital.
2. Avoid overtrading
Transactions that are too aggressive, done many times with a stop-loss distance that is too short, and a take-profit target that is too short will only benefit the broker. Profit or loss, the commission still has to be paid to the broker.
Target take-profit is only a few dollars a day, by locking in profits in very small amounts when circumstances allow to take larger take-profits, is a strategy that is detrimental and more likely to lead to gambling.
3. Avoid Overconfidence to Avoid Big Loss in Forex
Maybe you have invested millions as capital. You have also purchased a sophisticated trading strategy or robot for forex trading. Does that mean you can just sit back and relax and wait for profits? Certainly not.
One of the biggest mistakes novice traders make is overconfidence. To avoid wasted loss, understand that forex trading is a continuous learning process and market conditions are always changing, so we should not be arrogant in assuming that profits can be obtained easily.
When you don't have any preparation, you automatically trade using only feelings and not based on ideas. Feeling is a very emotional and bad way of trading.
If someone is in a feeling situation, they will be upset and emotional. Therefore, free yourself from the emotional situation with good and proper preparation. In addition to some of the tips above, you also need to consider choosing the best forex broker so as not to be deceived.
A legal broker is the best choice for you, and avoid brokers who do not have credibility. One of the best brokers that you can choose is Didimax forex broker that also gives you free forex education.
Another thing you need to do is to learn the basics of trading in order to choose the most appropriate strategy. Knowing how to avoid big loss in forex must be supported with your basic knowledge about forex.