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How to Trade Forex with a Free Demo Account

by Didimax Team

Opening a free demo account is one of the best ways to hone your skills in the Forex market. As the largest financial market in the world, it's no secret that Forex has become the choice of investors and traders for making profit. 
However, despite the popularity, trading on the Forex market is not easy. Just like other financial markets, Forex trading requires knowledge and qualified capabilities. This way you won’t spend a lot of money without getting anything. To reduce this risk, studying the Forex market continuously is a must for traders.
Then, one of the best ways to learn trading on the Forex market is to use a demo account. Demo accounts are commonly offered by Forex brokers for free. The advantage of opening a Forex demo account is that you don't need to use real money to trade.
Therefore, a free demo account is often the choice of beginner traders who want to hone their skills. Not only beginner traders, experienced traders can also use this account to test new strategies in the market. Then, what is the best way to take advantage of this free demo account?

Learn to Trade for Free with a Forex Demo Account 

Indeed, a demo account can certainly be a helpful tool in learning about the Forex market. After opening this kind of account, take time to study until you are ready for live trading. If you are still not sure how to get started, follow the tips below. 
1. Don't underestimate your demo account
You are probably using virtual money to trade on a Forex demo account. However, that does not mean you can underestimate the account and not use it seriously. Thus, even though it is only a demo account, try to practice seriously.
2. Adjust the conditions like real
One of the advantages of a free demo account is that you can simulate real situations on the market. In order to match your trading plan, use an amount of virtual money that is equivalent to your real trading account later. Then, configure the account according to your trading plan.
3. Don't limit your training time
It's a good idea to continue your training in a demo account until you get good and consistent results. You must be patient and learn everything in depth. That way, you can hone your techniques and master the psychology of trading too.
Then, how long should we practice trading on a demo account? Actually the answer could depend on each person. However, in general the longer is the better because you will be more familiar with activities on the Forex market. You can take 6-12 months for practice trading. 

The Best Broker to Open a Forex Demo Account for Free

Now, you already know a few tips for utilizing a free demo account. Then, where can you open a Fore demo account and get the best benefits? Of course you need to join the best Forex broker to get the most of it.
You can open a Forex demo account with Didimax as one of the best brokers in Indonesia. Didimax offers a demo account without charge so everyone can benefit from it. Plus, Didimax also offers free education to complement your trading practice on the Forex market.
Didimax’s Forex Brokers provides free education in various forms from seminars to webinars. Thus, you can learn Forex trading both offline and online. Interestingly, Didimax also provides the best mentors in the field who are experienced to help you learn the Forex market.
To summarize, registering to a demo account is a good start in building a Forex career. By having a demo account, you can get familiar with the market condition and try several strategies. Therefore, don’t hesitate to open your free demo account with Didimax. 



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