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The Mistakes Of Newcomer In The Stock Trading Process

by Didimax Team

Stock is quite an exciting but yet complicated world, as it will be disastrous if you enter such world without have some Learning Forex in your pocket. If you try to become a trader, and you don’t have any good ideas on what kind of business that you are in, then you are gambling. And most people will fail and bankrupt when they are gambling, and so do you in stock trading if you dare to go without having some information. 

Many questions are asked, on how to become a good trader. The very first answer that comes to our mind is, you need to know what kind of world that you are in, you need to learn the very basic of it.  Many are not patient to so some Learning Forex and want to jump into action hoping to make millon or billion dollars just to do some trading forex. That is the naïve and hopeless dreams to catch up to, and therefore you need to understand first what is the stock trading. 

Buying High Sell Low

This is the very first mistakes as the majority of the people have experienced in the very first day of their trading career. They see the most prominent company such as facebook, exon and so forth,  and they bought the stock. Those big shot companies usually have a very high stock prices, and therefore they will buy high. This is not recommended in the Learning Forex as it is not guarantee you gain. 

And as the minutes goes by, the price is getting lower and lower, and they forget to set the stop loss, and eventually they fail their money and go bankrupt. This is very basic mistake, and everyone should try to avoid this mistake if you ever want to become a successful trader. You can learn more in Learning Forex course you can take online or offline in the internet before setting your foot up in the stock trading market. 

Not Setting The Stop Loss

Stop loss is just the safety net for many trader, as it will automatically stop the trade and sell the stock if the price has reached a certain point. You can then re buy the other stock you can find, and just decide the stop loss, and eventually you will stop losing and start gaining. Another basic mistake the people experienced are, they are not setting their own stop loss, and therefore their money got even lower from the starting prices. 

Fortunately many apps in the stock market has already included the stop loss feature, and thefore you can now set the stop loss according to how much you can tolerate losing your money. if the stock price has reached that point, then the apps will automatically sell the stock, and you will losing little money. having a stop loss set is essential and critical for all the trader out there who dare to venture the stock trading world.

Getting Overconfident And Underestimating Trading Process

Many of those newbies are getting so overconfident and rushing to go without some Learning Forex and in the end the suffer a huge loss. You can’t do this because the trading process is very different with gambling, as this requires you to know more and do more. You can’t just put your money in some big companies and hoping your bucks will turn to million and you become rich all of sudden. You need to learn  some basic, such as to know the type of the trader you want to be, the basic trading tips while Learning Forex.  



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