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The Ways Social Media Affecting the Forex Market

by Sahabat Artikel

The ways social media affecting the forex market. The market of foreign exchange or Forex is known as the largest financial market worldwide by now. That is why many investors start to learn Forex with an aim to expand their chance on making money while trading. With the variety of advantages that you can gain from trading Forex, it is not a bad idea to take part in the competition too.

When we are talking about Forex, there can be moment when we are wondering the presence of social media in the market. We cannot deny that social media has affected a lot of things in our life and it might have the same role to the world of Forex too. In this article, we will discuss how this social media thing may affect the market.

How Social Media Influence the Forex Market

It is no secret that we can find a huge number of Forex content of the internet. However, with the growth of Forex players in the world and the popularity of social media usage, the use of social media like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter come to play in the Forex market. But, how can these social media influence the Forex market?

#1 Facebook

Let’s we start from Facebook. However, before discussing how Facebook and Forex merge, remember that Facebook is the biggest social network in the world by statistic. When it comes to Forex, Facebook might not as popular as the other social network since it is not intended for corporate platform. Instead, it is more like a site to connect people on personal basis.

Nevertheless, it does not mean that Facebook is not used by Forex traders. In fact, there are many Forex groups and pages on Facebook that you can access easily. Nowadays, Facebook is used primarily by Forex traders to share signals, spread content and also accumulate fans of pages. With its features, the use of Facebook might be getting greater later on.

#2 Twitter

This social network is now considered as the crucial tool when it comes to communication, exposure and networking. However, it seems like Forex players are not able to get it right. We cannot deny that there are countless accounts in Twitter which provide Forex content. Nevertheless, Forex has turned out to be associated with negative word on Twitter.

One of the reasons is because of the huge numbers of Forex spammers on this platform. There have been many spammers which then seem to be destroying the reputation of Forex market on Twitter. Considering the nature of Twitter, it is actually not a place for selling or spamming, instead it is a place for communicating.

#3 LinkedIn

When Facebook is more for personal use, LinkedIn aims the corporate world. This social network has average of 17 million visits each day and becomes such ideal place to widen your Forex reach. So far, it is safe to say that out of the other social media mentioned here, LinkedIn is the one that is on the right trail.

All the primary Forex experts worldwide run and also maintain active profiles on this social media. They usually share their tips and insights for other traders to observe. Moreover, many big names of Forex brokers also present on LinkedIn. And the most significant role of LinkedIn is the tens of Forex groups that provides perfect environment for traders to communicate.

The Bottom Line

In brief, there are three major social networks that have a big influence to the Forex market including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Through these social networks, Forex players communicate to one and another in case of Forex signals, tips and other things. At this point, it is safe to say that social media can be a good place for you to learn Forex too.



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