Forex broker is the important thing in trading world and Best Broker can significantly to make your trading career success. There are two types of Broker, first is ECN and second is Market Maker.
But there are a lot of market makers out there who wrongly market themselves as not having dealing desks, while there are also some brokers who claim that they are true ECNs when they are not even not professional.
Choosing a broker is an individual choice, each broker has plus minus of their features and function, then every trader has different preferences and needs. And of course, as a new trader, you need to know what best for yourself.
You can check the excellence of each broker and learn about it, and you need to be careful for choices that you choose, it will be affected for your trading journey.
Below we will to tell you about tips and tricks to choose Best Broker, there are some points that you must give attention. From these points you can choose what broker that best for you and your needed.
The Points
First point that you need to consider is what type of broker that you want to need, as the explanation above, broker has two types, ECN (Electric Communication Network) and Market Maker.
Second, is the broker safe or not? You have to find out because a safe broker is a wise choice for traders. Third, the best broker must have a trial account. Have a trial account can help you to develop your trading skill, of course, with no real money instead.
Fourth point is the important point than others, the location of Broker. This point contain of many requires, first the broker have to regulated by any regulatory authority in the country. Even if the broker is regulated, but it still no completely guarantees the safety of client funds.
So, the safety is priority. Second is the broker need to make sure that they are insured the client funds against fraud, theft, or embezzlement. Then, make sure the funds maintained separately from the broker’s operating funds.
There are 4 points that you need to know if you choose broker. But we will give you recommendation broker which has that four points above, it’s called DIDIMAX broker.
DIDIDMAX is one of the Best Forex Broker in Indonesia. They have a specialty to trading on currency (Forex), gold, silver and multilateral with very competitive spreads and fees. Then, we will share to you about what you get if you choose DIDIMAX for your broker.
DIDIMAX has the fastest execution time in the industry, and of course, without any requotes. They are also having a 24-hour support system, their Support Team is always ready to help you as their customer, they are committed to providing customer service. PT. DIDIMAX is the first broker company which has direct market access systemin Indonesia.
DIDIMAX also serving seminar and trading class to fill the needs of their customers. They have many platforms to do trading activity, first mobile platform, then desktop and web trading.
If we talk about regulation, DIDIMAX’s forex broker has regulated by BAPPEBTI which is they can be trusted, safe, and transparent broker. Also, client funds are in separated account, so it’s safe. Last but not least, DIDIMAX is a broker that can make you successful trader.
There are tips and tricks based on some points for you to choose the Broker and we give you a recommendation broker, namely, DIDIMAX. The excellence and benefit if you choose DIDIMAX as your broker is clearly explained above. So, choose DIDIMAX for your Best Broker.