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What is Scalping Strategy in a Forex Trading

by Didimax Team

One of the most popular techniques for trading is called the scalping strategy. A lot of traders are ‘hypnotized’ by that thing. Several years ago, it also becomes a keyword that is most searched on Google. That was upper the ‘technical analysis’ word. 

It shows that scalping is a kind of method that makes so many traders curious. In forex trading, it is a method when you try to pick the small profit in a row. A trader could exit the market many times in a day.

That is done because he tries to find the profit between the volatile market movements. A scalper must be able to react quickly when there is economic data information or other news that can impact the market widely. 

The scalping strategy is similar to day trading, but they are different. That is why; it is better to know those techniques in more detail. It will make you are able to trade properly and get the maximum profit.


The Differences of Day Trading and Scalping

In a day trading, trader is usually open position for once or maybe twice. That position would be closed before that day is ended. He is never or rarely let that situation changes overnight. Meanwhile, scalper has the different characteristic.

He is able to open and close the more positions. He is only targeting the small profit. The one minute chart is the media that is used. The profit targeted by him is only $5 - %10 per transaction. If he could do ten times, the benefits will be bigger.

You must note that the huge profit can be gotten if the whole transaction of scalping strategy done successfully. A trading loss could erase the whole financial benefits which are done before. That is why; a trader must be careful. 

It Is Better For Scalping or Not?

Scalping is a technique that requires a good concentration and consistency. Trader needs to stay in front of his computer. It is important to check the market’s activity and make a quick reaction to response each chance happened. 

In that scalping trading, you must provide enough time to trade. Besides that, a scalper needs to make a quick decision as well. If your attention is distracted, the important may be missed and that can create a loss.

As a scalper, someone has to exit from a market in a blitz. To do so, you may use some forex trading methods. That is why; the proper internet connection is really recommended. It supports the successful this method. 

Besides that, you must be able to face a higher stress level. It is especially than day trading. That is why; if a trader is always covered by emotion and bad psychological conditions, it is better to avoid scalping because that may ruin everything.

Why Scalping Strategy is So Popular? 

It is so interesting to know why that strategy becomes so popular. Actually, there are not any best forex techniques. Every method comes with its pros and cons. It depends on a trader that applies that strategy. Timing is also important.

A strategy may work well for someone, but not for you. It means that characteristics and knowledge level are the important factors that affect success. However, you cannot deny that scalping is so ‘mainstream’. The key is to use the best forex broker.

One of the examples is Didimax. That broker is a trusted and professional one. It is used by so many traders; beginners or professionals since the features are amazing. Try it right now and join the Didimax forex broker to feel its service.



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