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AUD Is Getting Threated More and More

by Salma Team

Talking about Forex or Foreign Exchange when you can do money or another trading is really related to the dynamic of the currency of the country. Trading will definitely be affected by the condition of the market which includes supply and demands from the trading partner itself. The condition of the country can also become a factor of currency stability. 

A currency sometimes got unstable because of the condition of the world market. it may be increased, or it may be down. The condition of the country's citizen such us their prosperity, income and any other thing will be the biggest factor that could affect the currency. It has happened to the Australian Dollar.


What is Happening To Australian Dollar Currency?

Australian Dollar (AUD) has experienced its ups and downs on its currency value from the beginning of 2019. It's because the USD currency movement which always gives the AUD pressure. The AUD currency value increased up to 0.7198 in the last week in response to the positive of Austalia manpower data. The increase in employee in March also becomes the factor.

In March there are at least 25.700 new employees in Australia that can boost up the economic condition and increase the currency value. But it doesn't bring a really significant effect because the number of unemployees in Australia also increased up to 5% than before. That's why the AUD still has the possibility to be down because of this instability.

In April 2019, the AUD got its stagnant condition even got a big chance of AUD derivation. It happened in the trading period in Europe. The AUD/USD reached the lowest position in more than a week which up to 0,7140. There are still many things could trigger the derivation of the AUD itself actually. So, what will happen next?

AUD Turn to The Lowest Position After Its Currency Rise

Even if that AUD already got a rise of their currency last week, but the current circumstance cannot maintain and keep it stable in its current position. The pressure from USD and its relation between another country will be the greatest threat of AUD derivation. In April 23rd, 2019, AUD/USD got back its currency derivation which closer to the lowest position.

The AUD/USD reached to the lowest position in these two weeks which up to 0.7100. This derivation happened because of the possibility of the trading agreement between the US and China. This agreement will be the greatest factor which threats the AUD position. This derivation then correlates with any selling which technically under SMA 100-day. 

What Makes AUD Currency Down to The lowest Level?

As mentioned before, the trading agreement between the US and China will be a great threat of AUD currency derivation. But another reason why it can happen, it is related to what happens in China economic condition. Indeed, as we can see China has the economic issue that makes it weaker these days. This condition will affect the AUD actually.

It proved by China's growth of the industrial sector which only reach 6% year-o-year. The retail selling too, it only reaches 8,8% of its growth. Why can the economic condition of China affect the value of AUD? As we know that China is the biggest global importer country of coal. 

Logically, if the economic condition of China is getting weak, it can bring significant effect towards the demands of coal in that country. It also decreases the price of coal commodities. And it affects the value of AUD because we know that Australia is the main country which exports coal all around the world. When China's economy is getting weak, then it is possible for Australia to lose its biggest consumer of the coal. Meanwhile, coal is the biggest goods that can raise national income. Because of that, Australia will lose its foreign exchange so that it can decrease the value of AUD.



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